Decentralized Prediction Market Platform "Gnosis"
#The Wisdom of Crowds (Kadokawa EPUB Selection) | James Surowiecki, Naoko Kodaka | Book | Mail order | Amazon The Dutch auction format is a type of auction used in the Dutch flower market, where the seller gradually lowers the price set at a high level and sells the item at the first price a buyer offers. This method of auction allows for faster transaction speeds and is also used in the bidding process for US Treasury short-term securities.
An open platform for predicting the outcome of events
Anyone can easily create a prediction market application by using Gnosis.
#The Wisdom of Crowds (Kadokawa EPUB Selection) | James Surowiecki, Naoko Kodaka | Book | Mail order | Amazon Gnosis is a project that utilizes blockchain technology to realize a decentralized prediction market mechanism that predicts a more accurate future by gathering "The wisdom of crowds". Initially, it was mainly used in the context of gambling, but recently it has played a major role in the DeFi market as a primarily decentralized oracle. #The Wisdom of Crowds (Kadokawa EPUB Selection) | James Surowiecki, Naoko Kodaka | Book | Mail order | Amazon